There is, as always, paperwork and everything has to be accounted for. Fortunately there are many removal companies who are experienced in this.
Still, I have managed to collect a huge amount of junk in my many many years on the planet, a fair amount of which are at my parents' old house. I have started to sort through it but am staggered at the sheer amount of stuff I'd like to keep. Foof's place in the States isn't big enough for her belonging so, even if I find a good job and we get a bigger place, merging our possessions will (in the short term at least) be impossible.
I have got to be (fairly) brutal with my selection - Though, hopefully, I can put some (most?) of my things into storage once they reach the US. The duty-free time period lasts from six-months before I travel to one year after so I have plenty of time (though I guess it will seem to run out quite quickly, especially because I don't know my arrival date yet...).