Friday, 20 March 2009

Without a Trace

My Police Certificate came today. It includes a nice hologram, a photograph of my good self embedded into the certificate and lots of other clever anti-forgery measures too. All completely worthless as the company, ACRO, will only give you a certificate if you tell them which embassy you need it for. Once they know this, all they have to do is to tell the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand or US Embassy that you have applied and are clean, cleanish or dirty (and, dear reader, I suspect they do). No need for those expensive-looking touches to the certificates (except that they like to make you think you're getting your money's worth).

As for the meat of the certificate itself...
(I know, I know, you're dying to find out)

If they can't find out anything criminal about you, then you are not declared "innocent" or maybe having "no criminal record", they just type two words onto your certificate, in upper case: NO TRACE.

Not exactly a glowing reference.

Still, I have the certificate (or, in my case, two certificates as I paid extra) so that's one less thing to worry about and, as the whole process is hurrying along at a staggering pace, I want to get as much stuff ready as I can - I don't want to kill the momentum (even though that's not a crime worthy of a Police Certificate).